29 May 2012

Pamulangan Habirandha

Today I went to Pamulangan Habirandha for the third times. Have you ever heard that? That’s a kind of informal school at Yogyakarta. The students are people who want to know about how to be a dhalang. That’s awesome.

I met Wiyarno, he’s a student there. His job is soto seller in Jalan Malioboro. I asked him, why do you study here? He said,”I have studied band music (I guess he just play conventional music instrument like guitar, bass guitar, and drum) , which is west culture. Why I don’t study my own culture?”

You know what, I weren’t confident to had some conversations with people there because I’m Javanese (at least my parents told me that) but I have no knowledge about wayang which is one of Javanese culture product. Poor me!

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