10 June 2015

Renungan dari Fuchs

Production is only possible based on reception and distribution. If reception stops, there is no further need for production. 
Produced goods are only meaningful if they are consumed. 
Production implies a need for distribution and consumption. Reception is itself a production process, the production of meaning. In reception, users/audiences/recipients interpret media content based on their lived experiences and societal contexts. 
The meaning of objects always depends on the societal and historical context. Meanings are never unhistorical or transcendental, but always social and historical. 
They are determined by the social context of the production and use of sign systems. 
They change by societal differentiation. Different meanings can be ascribed to the same object  
(Fuchs, 2010, hal. 175).

09 June 2015

Hanya Latihan Saja

Sumber: sciblogs.co.nz

Dulu saya benci lihat orang yang selalu sibuk dengan gawainya. “Cah ndungkluk!” kata teman-teman saya. Mereka selalu sibuk memelototi layar. Selalu saja ada yang dikerjakan: nge-update status, unggah foto, share meme, chatting, stalking, dan masih banyak lagi.

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